Warisan Tradisi Kampung Ramadan Buffet 2015 at Utara Coffee House Armada PJ

I have been a huge fan of Utara Coffee House, Armada Hotel PJ for a couple of years now. Their food is not only impressive but their staff are always friendly and attentive as well. A couple of days ago, my boys and I managed to go for their ‘Warisan Tradisi Kampung’ Ramadan buffet preview and we all but sang praises for what they showcased that night.

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There is wide array of Warisan Tradisi Kampung dishes to tempt your appetite for iftar this coming Ramadan. They have a lot of delicious traditional dishes in their buffet spread but here’s highlighting their specialties and dishes that’s definitely worth trying.

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First off, be sure to break your fast with these sweet succulent dates from the Middle East. If you are a Muslim and have been fasting for the day, you will appreciate something sweet and comforting to your tummy before digging in to much more heavy and spicy dishes.

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Spotted Nasi Ulam . I gave it a try and I have to say that it’s one of the most flavourful one I’ve ever tried. Made from the freshest traditional herbs, this Nasi Ulam Desa is not only appetizing but refreshing on the palate as well.

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Sup Tulang Rawan Utara was packed with flavours and a tad spicy. Cooked with the best traditional Malay herbs and spices, the meat was well done and fall off the bone tender. My son polished this off within a few minutes while my husband kept wishing for seconds, in which I stopped him as there’s plenty more dishes for us to try and enjoy and it would be a waste if he was too full just from the soup.

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Gulai Ayam Portuguese taste like something you’ll get from those traditional Malay weddings. Flavourful and yet not overwhelming. Great with rice or as bread dippings.

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Gulai Daging Pekasam Daun Kesum was abit mouthful to pronounce, but this rare traditional beef curry was nothing short of sensational. I was informed by the chef that the beef was marinated with secret spices before thinly sliced and cooked in specially selected curry paste. This dish was the epitome of perfection and definitely highly recommended for you to try. Pair this up with plain white rice and you’ll be in the danger of wanting more of it.

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Rendang Itik Serati. I gave this a miss but according to my husband and son, this dish is not too shabby either. The duck meat was well done and there was no gamey taste whatsoever.

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Ayam Buah Keluak. Buah keluak is a kind of poisonous fruit that can only be made edible after going through a complicated fermentation process. Feeling adventurous, I took a scoop of this and paired it with my plate of Briyani rice and was immediately hooked. The curry was smooth but at the same time, richly addictive. Non spicy and must try if you are a fan of Peranakan delicacy.


Gulai Tulang Rawan was a tad spicy, but it’s not something I can’t handle. Absolutely delicious.

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Acar Ikan Bawal. Now, I must stress again that I’m not a fan of fish dishes but whenever I’m in Utara Coffee House, Armada PJ, I will not skip their fish dish. They are probably the only restaurant that could prepare a fish dish that will not make me squirm. The fish was adeptly fried and topped with mildly pickled sliced carrots and cucumbers. A very appetizing dish.

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Otak Otak Muar. I wish I could comment on this dish as it looks very tempting but unfortunately for me, my picky eater son polished it off before I could have a go at it.

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Kek Suji Kurma& Carrot Cake makes quite a sweet ending for our meal that night. As usual, the pastries are not cloyingly sweet and pretty much pleasant and comforting to eat after indulging in all the heavily flavoured curries.

The “Warisan Tradisi Kampung Buffet Dinner” is priced at RM88++ per adult and RM44++ per child from 22nd June 2015 to 16th July 2015. For those who prefer a cheaper option but still wish to savour the taste of Ramadan in Utara Coffee House, do take note that they will commence with an early Ramadan Buffet Dinner Special on the first week of Ramadan from 16 June 2015 to 21 June 2015 priced at RM72++ per adult and RM36++ per child

For reservations do contact them at 03-79546888 ext 4557, Utara Coffee House. 


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